Natowls Viewer

Enter a $DMT-Natowls block number to generate a Natowl.

The Natowls are the first dynamic UNAT art collection created with the BRC333 protocol. The collection is based on the 0x0 element and ATM has a supply of 10,080. The Natowls are nearby cousins of the more flammy Owlinals. See these instructions to find and mint Natowls. NIA. DYOR.

Dynamic collections such as Owlinals, Runedragons, and Natowls represent the future, signaling a shift from today's static jpeg NFTs to artifacts that come into our lives. Dynamic collections are like interactive billboards on Bitcoin, and ordinals are destined to become decentralized, content-driven apps, forever accessible to everyone.

Update: The Natowls debut is fully onchain. More documentation is coming. Note: blocks beyond 833333 are not searchable.